Leg Shaving Tips

Shaving is the most frequent method of leg hair removal.

Despite advances in laser procedures and other hair removal technology, many women seek leg shaving tips for the fastest, most convenient results. Shaving is the easiest and least expensive method of hair removal, but without proper techniques, the results can be uneven and disastrous.

Leg Shaving Tips: Preparation

For the smoothest results, there are several steps that can be taken prior to shaving. Hair removes more easily when it is longer, so try to let leg hair grow an extra day or two between shaves if possible. For sensitive skin, investigate using specially formulated creams or gels to help minimize irritation, and be sure to keep legs well-moistened while shaving (using lotion prior to shaving can help, particularly if used daily). Soaking legs before shaving helps relax hair for a cleaner shave - shaving after a warm bath or lengthy shower is more effective for some women. Furthermore, always shave in an area with adequate light to be sure every inch of skin is attended to.

Basic Shaving Procedure

The basic method for leg shaving is as follows:

  • Wet legs: This helps the razor glide more smoothly, and warm water especially helps soften hair for easier removal.
  • Lather: Shaving cream, shaving gel, shower gel, or even just soap helps the blade glide effortlessly, and foam helps keep hair upright during shaving.
  • Gently move razor up the leg in the opposite direction of hair growth. Several passes may be necessary to remove all hair, and be sure to rinse the razor between strokes.
  • Take extra care over uneven skin such as ankles, knees, scabs, or other non-uniform areas.
  • To shave particularly difficult areas, alter the angle of the razor and pull the skin tightly to help raise hair.
  • When finished, rinse legs thoroughly from thigh to ankle to remove bits of hair.
  • Always shave an inch or two above anticipated clothing lines to be sure no hair is visible when the clothing moves or shifts.

Types of Razors


Depending on the type of razor you choose, different leg shaving tips may apply:

  • Basic straight razors require additional shaving cream or gel for the best results.
  • Never continue to use a straight razor after it has developed rust. To prolong the life of the razor, always rinse and dry it after use.
  • Electric shavers typically do not require gels or creams; in fact, using such products could damage the razor.
  • Do not use men's facial razors to shave legs - the cutting mechanisms will not be effective on leg hair.

Ouch! What to Do About Nicks

Even the smallest nick can be painful and may bleed excessively. To help prevent nicks, always keep legs wet while shaving, and use a brand new razor cautiously until it is broken in. Similarly, discard a dull razor: making too many passes over the same skin will cause irritation which can lead to more nicks and cuts. Apply only minimal pressure while shaving over potential problem areas. Rinse any nicks quickly and carefully (the sting will subside after the soap is diluted), and apply a piece of tissue to the cut to keep blood from running down the wet leg. Finish shaving quickly but carefully, and use an antibacterial ointment or anti-scar agent to help the nick heal swiftly.

Leg Shaving Tips: Post-Shave

To keep legs looking their best after shaving, always apply gentle lotions for smoothness and to prevent dry skin or flaking. Touch up any problem areas or missed spots right away, and avoid chlorinated or salt water for several hours to prevent painful chemicals getting on skin and potentially causing rashes or other irritation.

Despite the fact that shaving is the least permanent method of hair removal, it is still the easiest and most convenient option for many women. Common sense leg shaving tips can help prevent nicks, cuts, rashes, and other irritation that mars a smooth leg, and an even, clean shave can last beautifully for several days.

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Leg Shaving Tips