History of Electric Shavers
The earliest electric shavers seem very primitive compared to what is available on the market today. The earliest forms of shavers were really not even electric at all! They were not powered by an electrical cord, a motor, or even a battery. Instead, they were hand-powered, usually by manually pulling a string that caused the shaver's blades to rotate. Another difference between old shavers and modern day shavers is that the old versions were not meant to be used with any type of water, soap, or cream. They were for dry skin only. Today, shavers are commonly (but not exclusively) used in conjunction with shaving cream or shaving gel.
Over the course of several decades, the concept of an electric powered razor evolved from a hand powered apparatus to a shaver that can be used wet or dry, in or out of the shower, and with or without a pivoting head.
Women's Shaver Features
Contrary to popular belief, there are distinct differences between razors meant to be used by a woman and razors meant to be used by a man.
The first obvious difference is that electric shavers for women are quite a bit cheaper than shavers for men. The reason for the price difference is that women primarily use the razors to shave their legs and under their arms. The hair in these areas is much easier to shave than hair that grows on a man's face. Therefore, women's shavers can be manufactured with less powerful motors. Hence, they are cheaper.
Other common features on a women's shaver are pivoting heads - which makes shaving under the arms much easier.
Men's Shaver Tips
In order to ensure that a man's electric razor produces the same close shave as hand-held one with an actual razor blade, there are a few tips to follow. The tips are simple and easy, and can ensure that a man gets just as close of a shave with an electric razor as he would with a manual one.

- Make sure the razor is clean and sharp. There are screens on electric razors that can be lifted off. All of the old hair that has been shaved off should be removed. Sometimes dust and lint also collect under the screen, and that should be brushed out as well. In order to make sure the shave is always as clean as possible, the cutter should also be replaced about once a year.
- A man's face should away be clean and dry before using an electric razor. If soap and water are not accessible, a "pre-shave" lotion, solution, or powder may be used.
- Make sure to move the electric razor in the opposite direction of the hair growth - against the grain. For example, if the hair is growing in an upward direction, the razor should cut that hair in a downward direction.
- Try to use an electric razor continuously, and not switch back and forth between an electric and a manual razor. The skin needs time to adapt to any type of razor, and alternating the use of two different kinds can cause severe irritation.
Electric Shavers vs. Manual Shavers
When looked at statistically, a relatively small percentage of people actually use electric razors. The numbers are about 10 percent of females and 30 percent of males.
Some of the reasons that the numbers are so low may have to do with the following facts:
- Most believe that the closest shave can only be achieved by a manual razor.
- Electric razors can cause ingrown hairs.
- Disposable razors or razor blades are not as expensive as the electric version.
However… there are also many benefits to using electric razors, including:
- Electric shavers can be used anywhere and anytime
- It's extremely difficult to get nicked or cut with an electric razor.
- They contain more features that can easily be used for sideburns and moustaches/beards.