Indie Hairstyles

Indie Rock Style

Indie hairstyles are every bit as strikingly different as the independent rock movement. Though independent music has been evolving over the decades, the current indie looks remain as fuss-free and delightfully boyish as their original roots.

Where Indie Hairstyles Find Their Roots

We can thank the British for the rise in popularity of independent rock bands during the early 1980s. Popular artists, like The Smiths, paved the road for 1990s bands such as R.E.M. and The White Stripes. Independent rock bands are bands that did not sign with a major record label, and, instead, joined up with smaller independent labels. Most of these artists follow a style of music that does not blend entirely into the popular or alternative genres. In fact, most bands that are considered "indie" today are usually recognizable as garage artists.

Much like any art movement, the world of independent rock generated its own subculture, one that strives to be as cutting edge and against the grain as possible. Indie is not the same as the dirt-loving grunge culture, or the goths who possess an affinity for black clothing, Robert Smith, and general darkness. The indie culture sways more towards vintage looks, faded tight apparel, those ubiquitous skinny jeans, and, of course, the wearing of Converse All-Star shoes with just about every item of clothing. When you see a young girl in a gingham sundress clutching a Betty Boop lunch box, you'll generally be identifying her with indie culture.

About the Hairstyles

Indie hairstyles are not all that different from the traditional shag hair styles and pixie-ish cuts that you may have seen on actresses like Winona Ryder throughout the 1990s. Short, cropped, wavy, pixie, and totally textured are all terms you will find associated with an independent rock hairstyle. Unlike the alternative, grunge, and many other music movements, the indie haircuts tend to go lighter on hair coloring. Yes, more modern independent bands may favor the vast array of Manic Panic hair colors offered at your local Hot Topic, but generally, indie devotees favor shaggy natural-looking hairstyles that are relatively low maintenance.

The Close Cropped Look

It's very daring for a female to chop off all her locks in favor of a close cropped haircut. We know Halle Berry is one of the few beauties who has managed to pull off this look in the past, but a pixie-like cropped hairstyle is definitively indie. A little texturing paste to maintain chunkiness is really all you need to maintain this style, yet be forewarned, if you are going to go for a pixie, do not attempt this style at home. Styles like pixies and shags need to be fashioned by professional shears in order to flip and flop as needed.

The best part about a pixie is that you won't need to spend half an hour with your hair dryer every morning. And, naturally, the negative aspect of this cut is that if your face doesn't feature an exquisite bone structure, you may end up looking distressingly masculine.

The Shag


This style is a little longer than the pixie and survives by means of a decent texturing paste to give it that avant-garde unbrushed look. Once again, the actual cut is one of the most important aspects of the style, so entrust a salon professional with your hair if you're going for this short, piecey, layered look. Shags are wonderful hair styles for thick, naturally wavy hair that can become unruly the longer it grows. This style is cute and flirty and ideal for girls who like to ruffle up their hair. The shag looks great on males as well, although if you're a guy sporting this style you will generally be associated with the struggling garage artist movement, or worse, you'll be labeled as just plain trendy…and being trendy is so mainstream.

Final Considerations

Since indie hairstyles tend to be short with a lot of layers, do consult your stylist to make sure this look is flattering to your facial structure so you can look your rock 'n roll best!

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Indie Hairstyles