Crimped Hair Styles

Try 80s Style or Make It Modern

Crimped hair was popular in the 1980s, and it's still an option today. You can go for the 80s style or try something a little more modern, depending on your personal style and where you're going.

If you want to go all-out, tease your hair before you use the crimper. From there, use your favorite strong hold hairspray to get the shape you want. Even better if your hair is a fun shade, like this platinum blonde. Don't hold back on the colorful makeup.

Crimped Hair Without Heat

Teens don't always have the funds to purchase a crimper that works well, and they may not have time to use it before school in the mornings. One heat-free option that works well is braiding 1/4" to 1/2" sections of hair after washing (let it air-dry about 80 percent first) at night. Sleep on it and unbraid in the morning. Just run fingers through the hair to avoid frizz and maintain the wavy pattern.

Smooth It Out

For smooth, crimped hair, start by deep conditioning your locks and letting them air-dry. Use a crimper with narrow plates (meaning the wave pattern is somewhat shallow, but there are plenty of grooves). Work with one- to- two-inch sections of hair and make your way down each section. Plan ahead, since this process will take awhile. Once you're done, pump a bit of anti-frizz serum into your hands, rub them together, and run them lightly over the surface of your hair.

Beach Style

This is a modern, beachy style that puts those glowing highlights on display. Use a medium-depth crimper, or just braid half-inch sections of your damp hair and wait for them to dry before you take them down. Finish off with salt water spray and some light scrunching, and don't forget the flower accent.

Crimped Hair, Don't Care

A night out on the town calls for big hair. What better time to try out a crimped style? For this, you'll do best with a crimper that has interchangeable plates so you can vary the size of the waves. Leave some pieces straight if you wish for a truly disheveled, fun look.

Merging the Crimped Styles

Here's a style that seamlessly combines the 1980s version of crimped hair with modern day. The roots are left straight while the length of the hair gets its texture from a shallow crimper for a soft, subtle effect. Anti-frizz serum is optional, depending on your hair type. Always start with well-moisturized hair that's been dried thoroughly.

Dramatic Style

The roots are straight in this style as well, but the effect is over the top and perfect for fun photography sessions or going out. Use a root volumizer and tease your hair. Smooth the most visible sections with the light touch of a brush or comb. Crimp from about two inches from the roots and then fluff again and spray with extra-hold hairspray.

Truly Outrageous

If you want to go truly 80s in the most dramatic way, you'll need a crimper with medium depth (too large will give you something that looks more like waves than crimped hair). Divide your hair into one- to- two-inch sections and crimp from top to bottom, taking your time to get the pattern right and ensure that all the hair is crimped. Finish off with bright makeup and neon clothing with retro flair.

Little Girls Love Crimped Hair

Little girls love having their hair styled too, and one of the easiest ways to accomplish it is to braid the hair in small sections. They don't even have to be perfect, just tight enough to give a crimped appearance the next morning. Braid all the hair in one sitting or take breaks between sections. Bonus: You don't have to brush out any tangles the next day.

Do It Up

These waves are so close together the hair almost doesn't look real, and that's part of the beauty of this style. Once sections of hair have been crimped, it can all be pulled into an updo (or half-updo), even if it's just a casual ponytail. You'll get visual interest without the need to crimp all the hair.

With so many ways to get crimped styles, from retro to modern, heat to heat-free, you can create a variety of looks to suit any occassion.

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Crimped Hair Styles