Price of Hair Replacement

Are you prepared to pay?

Considering that the field of hair restoration has now grown into a one-billion dollar annual industry, it is no wonder that patients seeking information about hair transplant surgeries or hairpieces are concerned with the price of hair replacement.

Growth of Hair Replacement

The hair industry is growing as more and more Americans are seeking effective ways to combat their hair loss. Men and women alike can experience hair loss at any point in their lives. This loss of hair can occur due to many difference factors. Some hair loss is genetic and influenced by the delicate androgen balance in either a male or female body. Other types of hair loss are the result of trauma, nutritional disorders, or physical stress to the scalp. Regardless of the type of hair loss, many people find that their condition is irreversible and/or does not respond to topical or oral medications.

There are several hair loss products on the market that claim to block DHT and restore the scalp to an optimal hair growth environment. Still, these products may remain largely ineffective for patients with rapid and noticeable hair loss. Hair transplants seem to be the only fruitful option for a large handful of people, especially men whose hairlines are receding through male pattern baldness, though they maintain a hearty amount of hair at the back of their head.

What Influences the Price of Hair Replacement

If you are considering hair transplants and are weighing the price of hair replacement against the dwindling numbers in your checking account, there are many factors to consider.

Hair transplant surgeries are typically permanent. Though this procedure can cost up to eight dollars per graft (and you may receive anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 grafts), it provides lifelong results with relatively no upkeep. On the flip side, a hair replacement system such as an attached hairpiece will cost somewhere around $1,200. Monthly maintenance fees involving the reattaching and grooming of your hair piece cost approximately 500 dollars annually.

Topical products are another option but must be used as long as you expect hair to grow. Depending on the type of topical used, this can also become a very expensive endeavor. Many topical products are also harsh on the scalp. Rogaine has been implicated in various forms of scalp inflammation including redness, flaking and peeling, none of which are conducive to regrowth. Overall, it would seem that the hair transplant surgeries are the most cost efficient in the long run.

This is not to suggest that all hair transplant surgeries are successful. It takes between three to five months for the newly transplanted follicles to begin growing new hair. If your surgery has complications, it can take nearly half a year to discover this. Moreover, the surgical procedure and anesthesia can incur many more costs, not to mention the expense of follow up visits. Some specialized clinics are anything but local. Hence, you will need to afford traveling fees before the actual surgery can take place. Always keep in mind that a hair transplant is a surgery, and even minor surgeries can result in occasionally severe complications. People with kidney or liver problems, or lupus patients, are most often ineligible for hair graft techniques.

The Cost of Self Confidence

The most important thing to consider when looking at the price of hair replacement is just how your self-esteem will benefit from a full head of hair. Some people may find the confidence they receive from a hairpiece or transplant surgery to be entirely priceless as opposed to other individuals who consider it simpler to merely shave their head, therefore saving themselves both money and a daily shampoo.

The price of hair replacement is going to be significant, but your comfort and confidence are invaluable. So, before you run up expenses due to hair replacement efforts, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How long do you wish to participate in your regrowth/replacement efforts?
  • Is surgical pain and recovery an option?
  • Is monthly maintenance for a hairpiece an option?
  • Which form of hair replacement is best for your overall health?
  • Do you have any underlying health issues that would rule out certain replacement methods?

Your answers to these questions can help you decide whether the high price of hair replacement is worthwhile.

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Price of Hair Replacement