If you crave a traffic-stopping look, not much beats a platinum hair color. Platinum hair turns heads and instantly makes you the center of attention in any room. While rocking this color may take some getting used to, it's the maintenance that should really be considered. If you're ready to venture into the world of the palest shade of blonde, here's a look at this coveted color's hair type requirements, maintenance, and general care suggestions.
Opting for a Platinum Hair Color
If you're already highlighting your hair, you may wonder what the benefit is of delving into the world of pure platinum color. If you want to stand out in a crowd, this is the surest way to do it! Platinum hair is light reflecting and almost iridescent, creating an instant halo of light around the wearer. Light blonde hair is also a perfect recommendation for the woman who is graying and wants coverage without adding darkness, or who simply desires minimal maintenance. While there are many reasons this hair color is appealing, the negatives may outweigh the benefits. Keep in mind the following before you lighten your locks.
Makeup Required
Don't expect a wash and wear look with platinum locks. Platinum hair instantly pales the complexion, usually requiring makeup for both definition and skin brightening. At minimum, blush and lipstick will need to be worn to replace some of your natural skin's coloring. While many women may not realize the difference when looking at a chart of hair colors, once a bright color is applied allover the head, the complexion instantly picks up underlying hues. Since platinum hair lacks any base, you may feel pale without the help of cosmetics. The added time of cosmetic application should be considered into your daily beauty routine.
High Maintenance
Just like the precious metal platinum, platinum hair color is a top dollar beauty service. Don't expect great results from a boxed color -- in fact, home coloring to this level is strongly discouraged. Most women or men will need to have their hair stripped entirely of all color and then toned to a platinum shade. This two service process will be costly and will need to be maintained every 3 weeks for best results. If you slack off in booking regular salon visits, you'll end up with an undesirable tell-tale gold band about a half of an inch from the scalp, not a pretty sight and almost impossible to remove! Make sure you can afford (in both time and money) the expense of a double process hair color.
Keep it Bright
Once you've opted for a platinum hue, you'll need to maintain the tone in-between salon visits, which can be an ongoing problem for many. Hair brightening shampoos which deposit a violet or blue tone will help maintain the silvery brightness of a true platinum hair color. If you have well or treated water at home, bear in mind any minerals in the water may affect the tone of your platinum hair. If your pipes contain iron or rust, your bright blonde color may quickly turn orange.
Make a Commitment
While the negatives of going bright blonde should always be considered, keep in mind all hair color has its own unique requirements. Don't let the upkeep stop you if you have your heart set on being a platinum blonde. With proper care and maintenance, this striking hair color is worth a try!