Nads Hair Removal Review

Nads no-heat gel

Nads hair removal gel - is it the perfect way to remove unwanted body hair? Nads was one of several hair removal products recently tested and compared in a search for the perfect route to smooth, silky legs…

About Nads

Initially, the Australian hair removal formula called Nads was marketed via TV infomercials. Yes, that is right - it has the "as seen on TV" logo right there on the box. Today, it is available on drugstore and department store shelves across the U.S. Since Nads is water soluble, you can wash any excess residue off and you do not have to heat it like you do with many hair removal waxes. The company claims the formula is so safe that it is actually edible… um, that is cool, but how well does it remove hair?

Using Nads

Nads No-Heat Hair Removal Gel is pricey - Target and several drugstores sell it for around $18. Granted, there is enough in each tub for several treatments… if you can bring yourself to use it more than once.

Inside the box, you get:

  • A No-Heat Hair Removal Gel
  • Cloth Strips
  • One Spatula
  • An Orange Stick
  • Instruction booklet

The Nads instructions suggest making sure skin is clean and dry, with no oil or moisturizers on it. Skin should be smooth - apparently dry, scaly skin doesn't help the Nads hair removal process - and most importantly, the hair needs to be at least a quarter inch in length and longer is better.

So, you use the little plastic spatula to apply the gel in the direction that your hair grows. Smooth a cloth strip down over the gel. So far so good. Rip. Youch.

Nads Hair Removal Review Results

In the interest of hair removal product testing, I sacrificed my leg hair to try out Nads. I grew out my leg hair to close to a half inch in length, lest you think I did not follow directions carefully. My legs were clean, oil free and I was brave. In retrospect, I should have done a few shots first.

Okay, Nads' claims of no pain hair removal are less than honest. There was pain -- quite a bit of it. In addition, the no-mess gel was fairly gloppy and did not come off cleanly with the cloth strip. Even worse, despite the suffering it caused, it did not remove all the hair. It took some off, but left large patches as I repeated the action, trying different application thicknesses and techniques in the interest of science. Finally, I was left with patches of hair on my legs, and my skin was red and irritated over my entire lower legs.

The Nads gel did rinse off nicely with warm water, so it met that claim successfully. However, my experience with the product did not meet my expectations when it came to the painful ripping sensation and effectiveness. In the interest of full disclosure, I do have sensitive skin, so the redness could be attributed to that; however, the gel just did not do a good job of pulling out all of the hair in an area. In addition, one area where I tried repeatedly to use the strip (according to the instructions, you can reuse a cloth strip a couple times once it has the gel on it), actually got a slight bruise.

I didn't try to eat it, so you'll have to test that claim on your own.

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Nads Hair Removal Review