Piecy ends are one of the hottest fashion trends in hair styles. This versatile style can be elegant and defined or edgy and messy. Whether your cut is high-maintenance or wash-and-go, piecy ends will suit any hair length, texture and style.
How to Get the Look
It is easy to achieve a piecy look with the right tools and products. If you're starting with curly hair and straight hair is desired, use a flat iron to straighten the hair prior to styling. If you're starting with straight hair and piecy curls are desired, use a curling iron to create the curls.
Long Hair With Piecy Ends
This look works well with long hair or medium length shag hair cuts. Follow the same instructions for both lengths.
- To add volume to this look, start by blow drying the hair using a round brush and lifting and rolling at the roots. For a smoother finish, flat iron the mid-shafts and ends of the hair.
- Work a small amount of product between hands, such as Kenra Platinum Texturizing Taffy 13 or d:fi d:struct Medium Hold Molding Cream.
- Kenra Platinum Texturizing Taffy 13 is a creamy gel-type product that emulsifies when rubbed in hands to melt onto the hair. It creates a pliable style with separation and control without feeling stiff or sticky, and it can be used on damp or dry hair.
- The d:fi d:struct Medium Hold Molding Cream with Low Shine is a wax-like cream that emulsifies when worked in your hands for smooth application. This product contains lanolin which provides conditioning and control.
- For either product, apply the product to the mid-shaft and ends of the sections that are to be emphasized. Pull shorter layers toward the face and through the fingers, creating a curled look to the ends. Pull longer layers away from the face and upward through the fingers to create movement in the style.
- Pull bangs or shorter layers around the face to look like long, side-swept bangs.
- To hold this hair in place, use hair spray.
- For fullness, place fingertips on the head and gently push upward fluffing the hair.
Messy Bun With Spiky Ends
This look works with any hair type, so long as the hair is long enough to pull into a bun.

- Brush the hair back into a ponytail at the occipital bone (the bone that makes the curve in the back of the head) leaving the bangs free. This style is easiest to achieve by making a ponytail, pulling it completely through an elastic band ponytail holder. On the second wrap, pull hair only half way through making a messy bun.
- Pull the ends around the bun and secure them.
- To hold the spiked look of the ends, use either Matrix Design Pulse Messy Couture Molding Paste or d:fi d:sculpt High Hold Sculpting Cream.
- Matrix Design Pulse Messy Couture Molding Paste is a firm paste that separates hair for pliable, controlled movement. The paste melts from the hands' heat and is easily applied to the hair. This product produces a medium hold to exaggerate the ends of layers and short, choppy styles.
- The d:fi d:sculpt High Hold Sculpting Cream with Low Shine is a thick, wax-like cream that emulsifies when worked in your hands for even application. Beeswax helps enhance the hold while conditioning hair.
- Work a small amount of one of these products into your hands. Using only your fingertips to apply, pull the product through the ends of the hair in the bun. Also, apply a small amount to the bangs to keep them in place.
Short Piecy Curls
This look can be both casual and elegant enough for a black tie ball. While it works best for natural curly hair, it can be achieved with a curling iron.

- For added volume, lightly tease the roots at the crown and on top.
- There are two options with this style: leave the front and top curled or brush it back and only have the curled ends defined.
- Work a small amount of product in your hands. Kenra Platinum Texturizing Taffy 13 works well for this style.
- Use your fingertips to evenly apply the product to the ends of the curls to separate and define.
Piecy Pixie
The Pixie cut is extremely versatile - think Jamie Lee Curtis or Halle Berry. Whether curled or straight, this style can go from a laid-back day at home to the red carpet in minutes.

- Work a small amount of product in your hands. Matrix Design Pulse Messy Couture Molding Paste or d:fi d:struct Medium Hold Molding Cream with Low Shine both work well for this style.
- Using your fingertips, gently rub the root area working against the way it naturally grows to add volume. Pull the pieces to be emphasized with your fingertips, applying product evenly as you go. Smooth down areas you don't want to look piecy.
Men's Styles
There are many variations of men's styles with piecy ends. Most of them are styled the same as the piecy pixie. They are low maintenance and typically do not require hair spray. Just apply the product and pull the pieces in the direction of the desired style. The following products work well for men's styles and have a more masculine fragrance than the other options.

- American Crew Pomade: For men and boys that prefer a masculine scent, this pomade provides a medium hold with high shine. It offers versatile flexibility and control for modern styles, including curly options.
- American Crew Molding Clay: This product combines natural holding power from white clay and beeswax with natural healing and stimulation for sensitive skin and scalp. It creates a high hold with medium shine that offers touchable shape and texture, conditioning, and no synthetic fragrance.
Prolonging the Style
While most of the products work well on their own, hair spray may be used to set any of the above styles for a stronger hold. Kenra Volume Spray 25 is a super hold finishing spray that holds for up to 120 hours. It is humidity-resistant for 24 hours, wind resistant up to 25 miles-per hour, and is flake-free and fast-drying. Use it to keep the piecy look you love.