Hilary Duff's Hair Styles

Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff is one of the most beloved and despised actresses in Hollywood today, yet both her supporters and her detractors admit that she has style, and many people try to imitate every Hilary Duff hair style. The public has a definite love/hate relationship with Miss Hilary. Some young girls desire to be just like her, while other people consistently bash her and her excessively perky personality.

BANG! It's Hilary!

The first thing that is noticeable about the Hilary Duff hair style, is that she is one of very few people working hard in the industry to keep bangs trendy. More than 50 percent of the time Hilary sports wispy bangs that flatter her face and add a softness to it. She usually wears them short and straight, and when you style your bangs as such, it will bring more of a focus to your eyes.


Hilary Duff's hair is usually shown in long layers, starting near the ears and tumbling town to the ends of her hair. Long layers are great for thin hair that needs extra body, and it also helps with blow drying less. The layers will cause your hair to dry faster and will give you less angst when it comes to brushing and styling. The long layers are perfect for the Hilary Duff hair style, as her life is extremely "on the go" oriented and she can look great without a lot of effort.

Color Me Duff


Hilary usually has typical golden blonde hair, which is her natural hair color. Her hair color is readily available at all salons and it is easy to achieve, however remember that people with fair skin are going to look best with this hair color. If you are naturally dark, consider a look that is more flattering toward your natural features, rather than trying to imitate someone from a completely different ethnic gene pool.


If you have the same (or similar) coloring as Hilary, then you will more than likely want to look into getting lighter blonde highlights to add a gleam to your hair. Highlights add depth and shine to your hair that will keep it looking super sleek and fun.

Achieving the Hilary Duff Hair Style

Hilary has been spotted going curly, which is easy to achieve simply by using Velcro rollers.

However, she is famous for her super straight and stylish blonde hair. John Williams explains how to get this look:

"Simply pull all the hair up from the ear level and above and clip on the crown of the head, then blow dry the under layers straight and turned under at the ends, then go to the bangs and blow dry them the same way. Then remove the clipped hair from the crown of the head and add a gel or mousse, start blow drying the hair in an outward and upward motion using a round brush, this will give the hair volume and movement. When completely dry, spray with a styling mist or some type of hairspray."

Hello Hilary Duff Hair Style!

Sound simple enough? That's because it is! The Hilary Duff hair style is one of the trends out there that are easy to copy because of her sweet, natural look without a ton of effort. Start with the straightening and highlights, and soon you will be working on the makeup and the signature smile!

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Hilary Duff's Hair Styles