Debra Messing's Hair Color

Debra Messing

Debra Messing's hair color is proof that redheads can fire up the red carpet. With over 8 Emmy nominations under her belt, this fiery starlet made her mark by starring as Grace Adler in the popular sitcom Will and Grace.

Tips for Debra Messing's Hair Color

If you have red hair, or think you might want to be a redhead, why not try achieving Debra Messing's vibrant shade? Debra wears a deep copper red tone which compliments her ivory complexion. This vivid color is guaranteed to turn heads.

When trying shades of red, determine which tone looks best with your complexion. The deeper the red, the paler your skin should be. If you have medium or olive tones, you may want to try adding a few red hair highlights rather than going full on red. A red hair color chart will help you find a red tone that works best for your skin coloring.

Debra Messing wears a variety of red tones. Whether she's lighting up the screen with a vivid copper hue or wearing a sultry and deep auburn tone, her red hair has become just as coveted as her curly locks.

Go Permanent


When coloring hair red, keep in mind that red hair fades the quickest and is also the hardest to remove. Unless you are daring, red coloring is best left in the hands of a professional. A professional colorist can help determine the best shade of red for your skin tone while ensuring the richness and longevity of the color you desire. For the most vibrant shade of red, opt for a permanent rather than semi-permanent hair color. Permanent hair color lasts about 6-8 weeks and will offer more depth than a semi-permanent choice. For maintenance, book a touch up appointment every other month. To refresh the color on your ends, your stylist may choose to run the formula down the shaft of your hair at every other appointment.

Wash With Care

Many Hollywood starlets claim their secret for everlasting color is to wash their hair with care. To prevent your red hair from fading, reduce your hair washings to two three times per week. A color safe shampoo and conditioner will help protect and preserve your color. Many color safe systems have built in sunscreens and conditioning agents that will prolong the life of your color. Rinsing hair in cool water will help prevent color wash out while increasing shine. Avoid detergents that cater to oily scalps, as these formulas will strip color while drying the cuticle and increasing the risk of damage.

Get Glossy

Debra Messing's hair color is anything but drab. To keep your rich shade sizzling, add a dose of light reflecting shine with a color gloss treatment. A glossing treatment can be added to any professional color service. In addition to a color gloss, shine can be added at home with the help of a gloss or sheen serum to keep your locks bright and beautiful.

Make a Statement

If you consider yourself playful, adventurous and vivacious, consider a hot, trademark color like Debra Messing's. With plenty of shades to choose from, going red is an option for everyone -- if you dare!

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Debra Messing's Hair Color