Black Ponytail Hairstyles

African American ponytails are easy.

Ponytails may seem like a common hairstyle, but there are many options available for black ponytail hairstyles. These are versatile and can help to create a sleek, yet sophisticated look or a fun, outgoing style. Use your imagination to create multiple ponytail hairstyles.

Black Ponytail Hairstyles with Bangs

A ponytail is one of the most popular of the hair styles with bangs. Use bangs to cover up an elongated forehead or simply to frame the face. Bangs do not have to be cut and placed in the center of the forehead. Off-centered bangs are sexy and exotic. They can make a ponytail style look more interesting. A straight bang may be exotic or childlike, depending on the black ponytail hairstyle. Cut bangs a bit longer than the desired length to avoid cutting the bang too short.

Do you plan to curl your bangs? Take that into consideration when you are cutting your own hair. The bangs should be cut longer if you plan to curl the hair. Side bangs are usually longer than bangs that are left in the front of the hair. Side bangs may not necessarily need to be cut, depending on the length of your hair.

Creating Low, Sophisticated Ponytails for Work

Sophisticated ponytails usually rest toward the back of the head, closer to the neck. Add synthetic hair or a human hair piece to the style for extra fullness. Here's how to create a great sophisticated style:

  1. Slick the hair back, leaving some out in the front of the hair for a bang if desired.
  2. Use a brush to smooth the hair back. Covered ponytail holders are best when used in African American hair, because they are less likely to cause breakage. (Avoid using rubber bands in the hair.)
  3. Curl the ends under or make spiral curls with curlers.

The hair in the ponytail can also be plaited into three or four individual plaits and pinned up into a bun. Cover the rubber band by wrapping one of the plaits around it and pinning the hair up.

Creating High, Free-Spirited Ponytails

Pull the hair up into a high ponytail that is closer to the crown of the head for a fun ponytail, suitable for a weekend carefree look. Again, you can add synthetic hair to your own hair for added fullness in this style. Using human hair will allow you to use hot curlers to curl the ends if desired. Synthetic hair is available in a variety of textures, so if you would like to have a curly ponytail, you can simply buy wet and wavy synthetic hair or spiral curled hair to save time.

Maneuver the hair so that the curls cascade over the head. The ends of the ponytail can also be plaited and pinned up or twisted and pinned up. Take about a handful of the hair and wrap it around the base of the ponytail for a genie ponytail. High ponytails are a great weekend look or date look.

Ponytail Hints

  • Add a little hair gel to keep fly-away hair away and slick out the ponytail.
  • Add studded combs and pins for a little bling in your ponytail.
  • Can't find a ponytail holder? If you have long individual micro braids or dreadlocks you can create a ponytail without using a ponytail holder by wrapping your hair around itself and tying a gentle knot in the hair. The hair will hold itself into a ponytail.
  • Don't make your ponytail too tight so that the hair pulls at the edges. Hair breakage can occur.
  • Avoid wearing a ponytail every day. It is not uncommon to see ladies with receding hairlines from wearing ponytails too tight and wearing them too often.
  • Use details to add style to your ponytails. Braids and curls can spice up a plain ponytail and help you create different looks.

Remember that although it's easy to put your hair up into these styles, black ponytail hairstyles should not be overused because a tight ponytail can stress and damage your hair. Instead, try different creative styles that you can enjoy occasionally for a fresh, new look.

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Black Ponytail Hairstyles